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Petts Wood and Orpington is very active in online matches.

2020/21 Worldwide Competition (Captain: John Cook)

The 2020 tournament was started in March 2020 with 42 participating teams, 40 in the UK and one each in Germany and Russia. By the end of the year there were 120 teams from 39 countries taking part, with all the continents represented. PWOCC took part from the start and has played 44 matches up to the end of 2020. In the final stage of 2020 the club finished in third position, with highlights being very narrow wins against New Zealand and Kings College, London.

For the 2020-21 tournament, the club has entered two teams. The opposition may be UK clubs or university teams, or teams in other countries. Matches are generally played in midweek evenings or over the weekend to accommodate different time zones in the case of international matches.

Time control: 10 minutes plus 3 second increment per move; each player plays once as white, once as black against the same opponent.

The number of boards for any match is agreed by the captains and is typically between six and twenty.

Croydon League (Captain: Jean-Baptiste Jugand)

Five Counties League (5CL) (Captain: Satish Gaekwad)

The League has teams in three main divisions based on player strengths and one trial division for ungraded players (Div X). PWOCC entered a team of juniors for the first time in 2020 in Div X and the players really enjoyed the four matches played. Each division has 6 boards with a time control: 45 minutes + 15 seconds per move per player with matches played on alternate Tuesdays (teams can choose the start time so that they are able to also play in the 4NCL tournament if held on the same day).

London League (Captain: Daniel Lindner)

Online matches for juniors (Captain: John Cook)

Time control: 10 minutes plus 3 second increment per move; each player plays once as white, once as black against the same opponent.

The number of boards for any match is usually determined by the number of players available to play for the opposing team, and is typically between six and twenty.

These matches are arranged with UK clubs with large junior sections and played on midweek evenings.

Online Events

The 2020-21 club junior tournament currently has 40 players.
The juniors have played online friendly matches against several English clubs as well as clubs from Italy, the US, South Africa, Cyprus and Indonesia (Borneo). They have also taken part in two team battles against other clubs in the London area. The latest involved six teams and 286 games were played overall in that event.