Constitution of the Petts Wood and Orpington Chess Club
- The Objects of the Club are to foster the enjoyment of chess and to provide opportunities for members to play friendly and competitive games during the season, running from September.
- The Club shall be affiliated to the Kent County Chess Association (KCCA). The Committee shall appoint a representative to attend the KCCA Annual General Meeting (AGM).
- Membership is open to all, subject to the discretion of the committee, provided that the appropriate subscription is paid and that membership of the Club is not temporarily restricted. If entry is restricted, then applications for membership shall be placed on a waiting list and admitted in order of receipt.
- Members who wish to play in matches or tournaments must become or be members of the ECF.
- The Constitution may be amended or updated at the AGM if it is attended by at least three members of the Committee. The AGM quorum is 8 adults or one third of the adult membership, whichever is less.
- The Secretary shall notify members of the AGM’s date, time, venue and agenda, 14 days in advance.
- Any member may propose an item for inclusion on the AGM agenda provided the Secretary is notified in writing at least 7 days prior to the AGM, or the Chairman is notified at the start of the AGM.
- The AGM shall be held in September. Proposals will be carried if voted for by a majority of attendees. Proposals affecting the constitution will be accepted if voted for by a majority of 2:1 of those present. In the case of any tied vote, the Chairman has a casting vote.
- The Committee shall normally consist of:
- The Chairman, who shall chair meetings, and decide on any operational issues during the season.
- The Vice-Chairman who will delegate for the Chairman if needed.
- The Secretary, who shall deal with the Club’s administration.
- The Treasurer, who shall deal with the Club’s finances.
- The Junior Section Organiser.
- Further Committee Members to fulfil specific roles, or without portfolio.
- Team captains whose membership of the Committee is optional. Committee members will normally serve for a period of three years. They shall be eligible for re-election. The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer should stand for re-election on successive years. (Captains may be members for as long as they captain a team.)
- The Committee shall discuss and agree any operational matters as these are raised. A quorum shall be three members, of which one must be the Chairman.
- The Committee has the power to co-opt to the Committee additional members and to suspend the membership of any individual deemed to be acting against the interests of the Club.
- Extraordinary Meetings may be called, provided members receive at least two weeks’ notice.
- Funds shall be expended exclusively for the furtherance of the objects of the club. The Treasurer shall prepare a balance sheet and statement of income and expenditure, and shall present these to the AGM.
- Funds shall be held in a Bank or Building Society account in the name of the Club and withdrawals shall be made against the signatures of the Treasurer and any other nominated Committee Member.
- Should the Club be dissolved, any funds remaining after satisfying all debts and liabilities shall be given to the Kent County Chess Association for the furtherance of the Objects of that Association.
For adoption : 11/21/2021